Are you worried that you will resemble Santa this year, with all the holiday parties lined up this season? Equip yourself with the latest, healthy scientific food eating strategies that will not only keep your appetite healthy and in check but also survive this season laughing like Santa without looking like him.
1. Go slow and steady. You will most definitely have a jam packed schedule this season, and you will anticipate that this season will be no different than all the previous ones when it comes to meals. But, make a conscious decision to slow down on your meals at every party instead of rushing through them, as going slow on your meals will help your body to register fullness as you give it time when eating slowly. According to study published by the American Dietetic Association, food experts assessed the number of times participants chewed while gorging on deep fried rolls or pizza bites. It is observed that when the participants were chewing twice as many times as normal, they were actually consuming 20% less than usual. Experts also recommend taking frequent pauses during meals, such as putting down your fork for a small conversation or having small sips of water between bites.
2. Cut down your portions. Bigger is not always better, especially when it comes to controlling your appetite. According to food exports, almost 95% of people polished off whatever is laid on their plates and most of these people tended to know the large portions of meals on their dinner plates while cutting down on fresh salad options. In order to bulk up your satisfaction, increase the amount of salad on your plate while placing smaller quantities of meat-based dishes on the side.
3. Snack on a Smart snack. Before you head out to dinner or that holiday party, have a small snack that can prevent you from getting too hungry, or else you might end up bingeing at the big meal. Experts recommend eating a 200-250 calorie snack about three hours before heading out for the event. Some Smart snack options include void deck with whole grain toast, avocado paired with turkey slices, low fat Greek yoghurt stirred with fresh fruit and toasted almonds.
4. Water, water and more water. Unfortunately, dehydration can mimic hunger and most individuals at social gatherings start craving food when in reality they are actually dehydrated. If you was zapped for energy and you are craving food, try drinking two glasses of water instead of reaching out for that fattening appetiser. You may realise that you have been duped into thinking you are hungry when in fact your body is actually craving for water. By having water before your snacks and between your meals, you will not only remain hydrated but also prevent yourself from overeating as the liquid will fill you up. Food scientists at Virginia Tech, discovered that participants who drank more than two glasses of water before me ate approximately 100 fewer calories than those who didn’t drink the water.
This season you no longer have to be ridden with guilt. You can now actually enjoy you cake and have it too, not literally, but well almost. By engaging these tips you not only get to have a fun filled holiday season but also look forward to a new year of health goals and fitness regime to make you stronger and better than before.
About Manmohan Hebbar
I am the founder and director of and chief editor at