
What Star Makes Up the Constellation Taurus

Taurus constellation resembles the bull and its symbol is Unicode, bull’s head. This constellation lies to the north of celestial equator; it is large and prominent and is visible from the northern hemisphere during winter. It lies between the Aries constellation, which is on the west and Gemini to the east. The first appearance of this constellation is in the east in the month of September and by late December it reaches its greatest height. Therefore, this constellation is best viewed during winters. This constellation includes the brightest star of the sky the Aldebaran and largest open star clusters the Hyades and the Pleiades.5096879854_d76de564f5_b


The brightest star Aldebaran is the giant star with reddish orange in colour and is known as ‘the follower’. This star is in ‘V’ shaped which forms a bull’s face. As it is the brightest star and orangish red in colour it is viewed as bull’s bloodshot eye. It is also known as one of the four royal stars of ancient Persians. It is 68 light years away from earth and has radius 40 times that of the sun. The Pleiades lie to the northeast quadrant of the constellation and can be easily visible to the naked eye. There are seven most prominent stars in this cluster known as seven sisters. The name of the star Aldebaran is formed by the phrase “the follower” as it follows the Pleiades across the sky.


In the western quadrant lies the two horns of the bull which are formed by beta tauri and zeta tauri. These two stars are separated at 8 degree angle. These stars are the member of Hyades which is also an open cluster and which is just 150 light years away from earth. Beta tauri is white giant star also known as ‘el nath’ which is an Arabic phrase meant as ‘the butting’. It is the second brightest star in the sky after Aldebaran and has the neighboring constellation of Auriga. Zeta tauri forms the second horn of the bull and is known as an eclipsing binary star and it completes its orbit in 133 days. To the northwest lies crab nebula which is 5000 light years away from earth. It is a supernova remanant and formed by the explosion occurred on July 4, 1054 A.D. the explosion was so bright that it was observed even in the day and for 23 days continuously and for 635 days at night to the naked eye. It is a continuously expanding nebula.


The star lambda tauri which is another eclipsing binary star lies along the line of sight to the earth. It is a less massive star and its brightness decreases every 3.953 days as it is partially covered by the dimmer star. The variable stars known as Tauri lies 1.8 degree angle to the west of epsilon Tauri. Its magnitude varies from 9 to 13 over a period of weeks or months. The Taurus-Auriga complex forms the filamentary clouds and covers the some part of Taurus constellation. Taurus constellation is best viewed from November to march in the evening sky and is located at northwest of belt of Orion.

I am a full time writer and enjoy helping people with their spiritual issues. I often write about psychics, religion and horoscopes.

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