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Quotations (Quotes) - Know More
The quotes by the famous and the popular can be quite funny. We have resources where one can find the most funny and witty quotations by the famous and the not so famous. Quotations frequently are very useful...
Great men and women who have lived have written about their experiences. The best and the brightest among them had the unique ability to summarize and convey what they intended to in a pithy and cogent manner. This is the stuff of which quotations are made of. They represent a witty, observant and ingenious method of representing thoughts and feelings. Often inspirational, these quotations serve as bases on which we have molded our behavior and shaped our lives.

The quotes by the famous and the popular can be quite funny. We have resources where one can find the most funny and witty quotations by the famous and the not so famous. Quotations frequently are very useful to convey what we have to say in our daily conversations, when making a speech or delivering a lecture. They not just convey a thought and feeling but add weight to our idea. The other obvious advantage being that what we speak is given greater respect and credibility.

Our listings have quotes arranged by authors and topics. One can search for a quote for a specific situation or a feeling or plainly browse by author and be amused. Romantic quotes and poems have been used by humans to woo partners from times immemorial. Such tender and emotional pieces of writing help courtship and increase passion. One can find such quotes indexed and listed in our directory.

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Features a large collection of quotations on a wide variety of subjects, such as beauty, flowers, nature and music, categorized by subject and author.

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