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Aircraft Charters - Know More
Charter flight bookings are always made through charter management companies, and the tickets are not directly available from airlines. Charter flights, thus, allow the advantages of choice that come with ownership...
Till airplanes became sufficiently safe, fast, cheap and convenient, large scale use of airplanes for travel did not take place. It was confined to enthusiasts and rich men. However, cost of travel came down and its efficacy improved during the inter-war years and thereafter, so much so that commercial air travel services came up in different developed parts of the world. However, normal aircraft traveled under direction of airline services that ran ‘scheduled’ services to pre-designated destinations at pre-arranged times. Economics dictated only the popular routes which left a vast area uncovered. The constraints of the ‘scheduled’ services gave rise to the charter flights which overcame these disadvantages.

A chartered flight can refer to many things, context deciding the meaning. Thus it can refer to the renting of a whole flight for a special occasion by the paying party. This can be for any number of uses, for dignitary use, for use by a music group, for transport by military or by a rich corporate party for business or pleasure. Charter flight can refer to renting of specific number of seats through a charter management agency which organizes whole flights. Such flights may be made as part of tour packages, for special events, like organ donor flights, cargo, air ambulance, or some ad hoc transportation business. The advantages of charter flight are many: it will take one to any place (uncovered by scheduled flights), at any time, for any purpose. Because they work on the economics of 100% occupancy, at times they may be cheaper than normal airline tickets, although custom-made luxury flights for corporate clients could be substantially costlier.

Charter flight bookings are always made through charter management companies, and the tickets are not directly available from airlines. Charter flights, thus, allow the advantages of choice that come with ownership, without the attendant costs of ownership. This section of the directory hosts links to many charter companies catering to all your charter flight needs.

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Offering efficient and flexible private chartered flights, based in Oxford, Mississippi.

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