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Regional Directories - Know More
Regional directories are the ideal place to look for information regarding local produce, schools, doctors, offices, jobs, or any service, product, tourist information, government notice, etc...
A directory is a very intuitive and efficient way of categorizing information. It helps find content very easily as knowledge is structured. Yet, content can be categorized based on various criteria. It can be thematic, geographic, alphabetic, taxonomic, discipline wise, etc. All of such criteria and classification have their own logic, but the criterion is selected depending on propriety and functionality. Thus, whatever suits an occasion or purpose, is accepted. The geographic criterion is also very useful as it helps classify content according to region or country, or even a city.

A Regional Directory may be defined as a Web Directory that classifies and categorizes content relevant to a particular region, and excludes those content whose ambit fall outside the geographical boundaries of the region it addresses. This can be of immense help when one is looking for information about a certain region only. The General Directories by their very comprehensiveness can be intimidating, and can lead to many irrelevant leads. The Regional Directory confines content entries related to the specific region, thereby ensuring that we reach the relevant content easily and faster.

Regional directories are the ideal place to look for information regarding local produce, schools, doctors, offices, jobs, or any service, product, tourist information, government notice, etc. In short, if you are in need of area specific information, you first check out the Regional Directories. Today a lot of Regional Directories have come up that pertain to all areas of the world – from continent wide directories to directories dealing with individual cities.

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