If you would like to submit your website to
our directory, first browse the directory to identify the
single best category for your site. You will find a "Submit
URL" link. Follow the instructions on the submission
form and our "Terms of Use"
carefully, and submit it.
Our goal is to make this directory, a useful resource for
our users. 01webdirectory.com is committed to a spamfree
experience for our users. In future we will be adding more
category related content for users to know more about the
subject of the category, while they are browsing the site
Site Submission Guidelines
» Submit only web sites relevant
to the category you are making a submission to.
» Do not submit web sites composed solely of affiliate
» Do not submit websites which don't have original
information/content, or do no value-add.
» Do not submit websites, whose sole purpose is to drive
traffic to another website.
» Your web site must not be under construction.
» Submit your web sites to the single most relevant
» Do not submit multiple sites with essentially the
same content.
» Submit website in English, or website that has a visible link to an English version.
» Do not submit adult, gamble, hate sites, and any website
that promotes illegal activities.
» 01webdirectory.com reserves the right to accept or reject
any website, for reasons mentioned here,
Terms of Use, and any other
reasons not published here. For Featured Sites (Paid)
submissions, in the event of a site not being approved, a
full refund will be made.
For more information please refer our "Terms
of Use"
Article Request Guidelines
- Articles requested should be relevant to the website and the category it is listed in.
- Articles written will have standard editorial style of writing. No promotional language will be used nor claims that is not substantiated such as "Best" or "Number One"
- Articles will not be written for websites listed under the Health Section.
- We do not publish articles that are already published elsewhere on the internet.
- Articles can only be requested along with a Featured Site submission or for a previously submitted Featured Site.
- We provide only one chance to suggest any changes to the article, such as grammatical/spelling errors and factual mistakes.
- Under no circumstances the article will be re-written in its entirety. We suggest you first take a look at the sample article featured on the directory or other articles already written and make your decision for an Article Request accordingly.