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Companies & Organizations - Know More
n organization is a more encompassing term and may be used for any group of people with a common purpose, but it is usually understood that the purpose is not monetary...
Companies and organizations have evolved from man’s inherent sociable nature and his necessity to come together for safety and efficiency. Specialization enabled the growth of expertise and innovation, and as different people with varying skill sets came together, the company was born.

A company is any group of individuals who have come together for a particular purpose. Nowadays, a company is distinguished from similar groupings of people like a cooperative, corporation or NGO, by the fact that a company is a profit making entity. However, like with many other words, the context would decide the proper connotation. Depending upon legal jurisdiction, a company may or may not be a legal person. Today, companies are there in every business, whether it is in consultancy or management, production or design. Understood to be in the private sector, companies provide employment, encourage competition and inspire innovation. Companies enable the harnessing of individual talent by providing a platform for their talents, enabling experimentation, and ensuring development of products and services at the cutting edge.

An organization is a more encompassing term and may be used for any group of people with a common purpose, but it is usually understood that the purpose is not monetary. The purpose of most organizations is to organize something – a movement, a group of companies with similar interest, a lobby interest, an industry sector, a social cause, a scientific concept, a governmental endeavor. Thus, organizations in various sectors are born that provide a platform and voice to its interest area.

Companies and organizations are important aspects of humanity as they foster cooperation, intermixing, and provide for benefits that may not accrue from individual efforts. In this section, we provide you links to an assortment of organizations, concepts, platforms, and related resources.

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Buying, selling and recycling metals in the greater Austin, Texas area.


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Manufacturer in the Chengdu region of China producing glass roving, glass fiber, woven roving, chopped strand mats, high silica fiber, and more. ISO 9001/2008 certified.


Fun Pasta Fundraising helps people raise funds while selling a unique, healthy, and affordable product.


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Describes Nestle's initiative of Creating Shared Value, that aims at creating long-term value for both its business and for society as a whole, the success of which is defined by internal financial returns and external social & economic results.


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Providing relocation services since 1986, including local, long distance and international moving in and around the Finger Lakes region. Award winning agent for Wheaton Interstate Moving.


Online portal features natural stones, including granite, marble and more, where one can buy the colors of their choice at low prices, as well as sellers can find fabricators for their wares. Handles all shipping, handling and customs documents.

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