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Body Jewelry - Know More
While much of body jewelry is ethnically inspired, various fads and trends have inspired body piercing to a large extent. Many among our younger generation are avid fans of body jewelry...
The propensity to beautify has always been there in man. Even though the concept of beauty differs from culture to culture, and even more spectacularly, from person to person, decoration through jewelry is common everywhere. Various forms of body jewelry have emerged quite early in our history. In fact the word ‘jewel’ ultimately derives from the Latin word ‘jocale’, meaning plaything. Jewelry have served as playthings but they have had other purposes as well.

Body jewelry is that type of jewelry that remains in intimate contact with our body. For reasons that might vary from cultural influence, personal predilection, or symbolism, such jewelry remains in close contact with us and are very dear to us. Thus, body jewelry includes mostly pierced rings ranging from belly rings, navel rings, tongue rings, earrings, nose rings, toe-rings, eyebrow rings, etc. As much of body jewelry requires piercing, hygiene is an important concern and regardless of the type of jewelry or the place of piercing one should always ensure that piercing is done hygienically.

While much of body jewelry is ethnically inspired, various fads and trends have inspired body piercing to a large extent. Many among our younger generation are avid fans of body jewelry; in fact the trend has reached such an extent that experimentation has become rife. Unfortunately many genres of body jewelry are unavailable in many areas. Online shopping comes to our rescue in such a situation as we can scour the shops of the world and find what we are looking for. This section of 01webdirectory is your portal to the world of body jewelry and gives you glimpses to all forms of body jewelry you can imagine – and some that you cannot.

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