There are many citizens who are spending a big chunk of their income as tax. Are you among them? This article will explain how would you check and challenge the tax code. It seems like the tax code is a random assortment of numbers and letters, but it easily could […]
Finance Posts
2014 Tax Changes You Need To Know
Changes to the federal tax code for 2014 generally seem to have favored tax cuts for all but the wealthiest Americans, while also limiting the amount of allowable deductions for those who are better off. Read on for the main 2014 tax changes you need to know about: Everyone: […]
4 Tips Every Young Adult Needs To Know For Staying Out Of Debt
As young adults are just starting out, getting into debt with the ultimate intention of paying it back later on may seem like the best way to move forward. After all, many people are doing it. So there’s probably nothing wrong with it, right? Wrong! The fact is that it […]
Attention Entrepreneurs! Small Changes Equal Big Savings
Attention Entrepreneurs! Small Changes Equal Big Savings You’re chasing the American dream and you own your own business, way to go! However, do you ever think to yourself, “If only I could make a little more?” One of the easiest ways to make more is to spend less. Below are […]
Super Tips To Teach Kids About Finance
So you’re shopping with your nine-year old daughter, and all of a sudden she squeals at the sight of a sparkly piece of accessory. You know for certain that she already has shelves overflowing with similar kinds of accessories, but she’s adamant that the one she has laid her eyes […]