
Hemorrhoids – What Should You Know About This Condition?

Hemorrhoids or piles are of two main types i.e. internal and external. It is a misconception among people that all hemorrhoids produce the same kinds of symptoms. Knowing about the general and specific signs can help you to decide whether you have the problem or not. Specific signs show which kind of piles a person is suffering from. But before you are able to distinguish the two on any basis, it is essential to know what the basic condition is and how it is identified.

Hemorrhoids or piles

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

During bowel movements, if you experience bleeding, itchiness or burning sensation, then there is a possibility that you might be suffering from piles. Itching sensation occurs because of the presence of seeping mucus that tends to cause discomfort to the skin near the anus. The burning sensation occurs due to veins being swollen and inflamed. Discomfort is due to the bulging piles at the end of the anal canal gives a sensation that you still need to pass stool. Large bulge causes more discomfort and is associated with pain. Few clear symptoms of piles or hemorrhoids are:

  • Anal area is swollen
  • Bloody stools with or without pain
  • Presence of lump near the anus, which can be painful, or painless and sensitive
  • Leakage of feces

Blood in Stools – Not Necessarily Piles

If you are facing the problem of blood in stools, it can be due to other reasons also like:

  • Anal Fistula
  • Colon Polyp
  • Prolapsed Rectum
  • Colon Cancer
  • Anorectal Abscess
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

If there is presence of blood in stool or on toilet paper, then you should contact the doctor as soon as possible. By conducting few medical procedures, the doctor can tell if a patient has piles or any other disease that may need further treatment.

Types of Piles – External & Internal

External Piles:In external piles the following condition is observed. The veins are covered by normal skin; there is presence of pain fibers. Blood flows under the skin, causing pain and leading to the formation of a hard lump. It is also known as clotted or thrombosed piles. This type of condition is painful due to presence of lump outside the anus. Pain can aggravate when passing hard stool. Skin tag excess can result which can lead to irritation of the skin because of the difficulty faced in cleaning after the bowel movements.

Internal Piles: In internal piles condition, due to lack of pain fibers in the veins, this condition is painless but bloody stools can be observed. Veins inside the anus are swollen without any discomfort or bleeding. Delicate surface on the lump can be torn off when hard stool passes by. In this condition, the person has bloody stools but the lump is not visible or felt as it’s inside the anus. Lump can also come out from the anus, which can be painful. Be careful with what you eat because your diet can be the triggering factor for piles.

With this information on piles, it can be easy to assess whether or not you are suffering from the condition and if you are, then which type.

Aditi Tyagi, Editor at Tech-Hunt IT Innovation Pvt. Ltd. loves to read and share about healthcare. Aditi recommends interested readers to check out AarogyaData for more about A-Z Health Conditions.


  1. Sore and swollen veins in or aurnod your bottom are called hemorrhoids or piles. If you’ve got them, you know it, and you know a bit about them. Most hemorrhoids heal on their own in a week or two and you forget about them. They have a persistent tendency to come back, however, unless you do something to correct some of the mistakes you’re making that encourage their return.

  2. I had been suffering for months and was completely bothers me the pain and discomfort all day and night. Now I completely diagnosed with hemorrhoids.

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