Every home has a kitchen and a bathroom both of which are often called the most special rooms in the home. The kitchen of course is rightly considered the heart of the home and the bathroom is understood as the place for people to get some private time. This is why people are often seeing investing heavily in the decor of these two rooms especially when it comes to the color scheme. They always try hard to create a sort of clam and happy atmosphere since these are the places where they will spend quite a bit of their time.
The different uses of these two important rooms mean that they need to be colored very differently. Usually people try to make sure that they reflect a bit of their own character and personality in more than one way. People who are struggling with the color and style should consider using a glass splashback to achieve the effect they want, the good thing about splashbacks is that finding a good one and making the right choice is a lot easier than you may think.
What ambience do you want?
They key to choosing a glass splashback that will help you dial up the ambiance is to know exactly what type of look you want to go for. Since, this is the basis of your entire theme you should flip through magazines and search online for something that looks close to what you want to achieve. Some may be leaning towards a more formal and clean look while others may want an open and airy look or you may want to have a more homely look. Once you decide on the theme the next step is the color scheme of the room and then the splashback’s color and style is not going to be so hard.
Make the trendiest decision
If you want to know what is new there are a number of places to look for the latest trends. Cultural movements, manufacturer design updates, fashion events, and travel destinations are some places to help you get started when it comes to finding out what is new. Make sure to look up the information from all these sources especially when it comes to their color ideas since these will help you with the final decision you make.
Finalize your color selection
The glass splashback that you choose is obviously going to be a part of your home’s interior for an exceptionally long time and could even be the centerpiece of you whole space. So, it is important to get the color right. Once you have looked at all the places mentioned above to get a feel for the style and some inspiration you now need to make a few personal decisions.
Generally people pick a color scheme for their kitchen and their splashback based on the color scheme of their living room which is not a good idea. The reason being that there is a difference in the accessories and lighting. So, in order to avoid any costly mistakes pick up a color chart which allows for you to compare various colors, patterns and shades which you can have on your glass splashbacks. There are numerous color charts you can find online for free but can be invaluable for people who are doing their own interior decoration since they can take stretch your creativity to its limits.
The base colors of the motif that you want on the bespoke glass splashback can be done using comparisons with other neutral colors like gray and white. This will help you to start by identifying patterns and color schemes then eliminate those which are the do not blend in properly with the decor of your room. Plus if you squint when looking at the sample it will help you a great deal. Not squinting will make colors look clearer so you should squint.
Leading Austrian glass splashback seller ‘A Splash of Glass’ recommends that people choose a base color scheme for their glass. Then use colors from charts to further zero in on the right choice. People who are feeling lost can call up a splashback seller’s customer service number and speak to someone there.
Mark has been an interior designer for over twenty years. Over the years he has helped design the interior of hundreds of homes across the country. He also teaches interior design to budding designers as well as writes extensively about interior design intended for everyday people who want to design their own interior.
Citations: Home Splashback Design
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